What is your Theriotype?

Hiii pooks! Hope you like meh quiz :) you be slaying! I support you 100% HI POOKIE!!!!!! idk what to type lol. bye pookies see you after the quiz!!!!!!

Idk what to type so I'ma spam :) fntuutohwhnunuwpyoutuhuerjjdffbnhfhgruejdqwewitwihosjfkhjajjgrurprrwry8trutujfdhhajgehfiheuiquoigurwiehbehgsouguwguogygqowa

Created by: melanie
  1. What places in nature do you feel most connected to?
  2. If you could have any part of an animal what would it be?
  3. have you ever experienced a phantom shift, if so, what fits your shift? (when you feel like you have animal limbs or part of/full body attached to you <3)
  4. do you ever have shifts?
  5. how often do you do quadrobics?
  6. what is your fave quadrobic?
  7. fave scent <3
  8. what's ur fur/feather colour<3
  9. I ran out of questions XD what ur fav colour (no effect)
  10. ~how was it~ <3 (no effect) BYEE BADDIE

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