What is your teaching style? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your teaching style?

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  • Your Result: Quadrant 2 87%

    You are sincere, empathetic, a good listener, relaxed, easy-going, a caretaker, and supportive. Your students feel accepted, worthy, validated, successful, appreciated, and comfortable. At times you may fail to take charge of negative behavior, be too indirect, and avoid change. Be sure you keep deadlines, state your expectations, say no, get out of your comfort zone, and share responsibilities!

    oh wow I think that I would be a really good teacher according to this

  • Quadrant 1 86%

    You are entertaining, stimulating, dramatic, enthusiastic, flexible, persuasive, and expressive. Students in your class feel inspired, motivated, enthusiastic, welcome, challenged, and engaged. At times you may talk too much, gloss over certain points, lose objectivity, and want to be popular. Be sure you control your talking and time, are factual and objective, and spend time checking, specifying, and organizing!

    86% Quadrant 2

    Sws 221
  • Quadrant 1. I think this result is very close to my teaching style. These kinds of quizzes are rather insightful and can help teachers reflect on their work with students and the effectiveness of their work. Teachers can identify their strengths which can result in a confidence boost. On the other hand, teachers may open their eyes to some maybe unacknowledged weaknesses. Teachers can then work on areas that need improvement.

  • All teachers, whether a novice or veteran, should undertake this type of quiz every few years so they can determine their own teaching styles and monitor if their preferences or modes of teaching are changing. The goal should be to continue to improve their skills and behavior for the benefit of the students.

  • Tonight at midnight your true love will realize he likes you.if you don't send this to 5 other quizzes you will have relationship problems for the next 10 years if you post this on 10 other quizzes you will get everything you want tomorrow

  • spot on about me. Very good. I appreciate the suggestions to incorporate in my style because they match what I've started to do anyway and am seeing positive results.

  • I can see that I still have a lot of work to do before I start teaching. This allows me to know what area's I should be focusing on.

  • I think, done honestly, this quiz can serve as a guidance in identifying and evaluating our teaching style.

  • Useful quiz for teachers to guide themselves.Also it is a way of showing new ideas for us.


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