what is your super power

people may think they have super powers if your one lets see if you really do

do you have the power the blow away the compotition try this quiz and find out

Created by: james
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favourite colour
  2. what describes you most
  3. do you like my Qius
  4. have you seen me on youtube my name is james43261
  5. what would you say back if i said hello
  6. why did you take this quiz
  7. what would you say if i only had 8 propor questions
  8. la la
  9. jamrr
  10. one more Question did you like the Quiz

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Quiz topic: What is my super power You can find more quizzes like this one in our Elemental Quiz category.