Elemental Power Quizzes
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A category of super powers that involve control over the elements of nature. The common four are fire, water, air, and earth. Additional elements may include light, darkness, electricity, and so on. What element do you wish to control?
Our Elemental Power Quizzes
- What elemental power is yours?[by: ginnyandluna, rated: 4.18rated: 4.18/5, published: Oct 15, 2022]
You are a poor farm worker in your land. News arrives that a Dark God is threatening to rise up against your kingdom and kill your Queen. The first act of…
- What Is Your Leading Element?[by: ashfrei, rated: 4.54rated: 4.54/5, published: Dec 14, 2022]
This quiz is about exploring the element that guides you! In my universe, there is a circle of 10 elements that create two rings and a core! The core consists…
- Which element could YOU control in a book?[by: PintoStorm, rated: 4.44rated: 4.44/5, published: Jul 11, 2009]
You are a book character, where you could control any one of these elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, ALL FOUR NATURAL ELEMENTS, or technology (aka,…
- Which is your TRUE Elemental power[by: LordessNiggle08, rated: 4.37rated: 4.37/5, published: Dec 1, 2018]
Greetings young traveller! You have wandered far from your village, have you not? Seeking what I wonder... Ah. I see. Well, come with me, to the Pedestal of…
- What elemental power do you have?[by: Victor, rated: 4.18rated: 4.18/5, published: Apr 21, 2016]
There are 6 elements in this quiz: Earth, Fire, Ice, Galactic, Electricity and Darkness. You shall get one of these 6 elements. Choose your answers wisely.
- What element would YOU have the power to control?[by: Ana, rated: 3.98rated: 3.98/5, published: Apr 4, 2011]
There are four main elements, Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water. Every element proves to be unique in a different way, just as people are. Each one has the…
- What Magic Power Do You Have?[by: Cam T.K.H, rated: 3.95rated: 3.95/5, published: Mar 11, 2023]
What magic power do you have? Lets find out! There is Fire, Earth, Plants, water, ice, light, darkness, and none. This is not based off any show, really.
- What Power Do You Posses?[by: Joshua Shelley, rated: 4.11rated: 4.11/5, published: Oct 26, 2011]
When you take this quiz you will find out what power you have and what you can do with it it may be a good power or it may be a bad power and I bad as in evil.
- What Element Would You Control?[by: Brad, rated: 3.47rated: 3.47/5, published: Feb 19, 2007]
Long ago people thought there were only four elements; earth, fire, wind, and water. Have you ever wondered which one you think you should have, well come…
- What powers do you have inside?[by: Aim, rated: 3.25rated: 3.25/5, published: Nov 15, 2014]
Having powers is fun but takes a lot of work and you have side affects. I get sick a lot, so you want to be careful. Everyone has a power but they need to…
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