Your Elemental Personality
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Our elemental personality quizzes determine which element you are. Have you wondered if you align more with fire, or water? Discover your elemental type and compare your results across multiple quizzes for funsies.
Our Elemental Quizzes
- What Element are You?[by: HJ, rated: 3.87rated: 3.87/5, published: Jan 16, 2011]
There are Four 'natural' Elements, that are probably not found on the Element Table. They were considered the only Elements centuries ago, before science.…
- What is Your Element?[by: We1rd0_Gurl, rated: 4.48rated: 4.48/5, published: Mar 8, 2022]
All elements are different, each with different properties. But we're here to talk about YOU and which element YOU are. You can always do the quiz again if…
- What Element Defines You?[by: Makka, rated: 4.42rated: 4.42/5, published: Sep 22, 2020]
Every wonder what element you were or how it represented you? Maybe you've been on a personality spree and need to know who you are? Take this quiz and find…
- What is your element?[by: Mocca, rated: 4.35rated: 4.35/5, published: Sep 11, 2016]
Fire, Earth, Water, and Air are the four simple elements. Each of these creative elements are necessary for human life, the each have both positive and…
- What Element Are You?[by: Asumay Otaka, rated: 4.32rated: 4.32/5, published: Feb 23, 2019]
There are four main elements, but I added in some more. Based on your personality, one of these elements will fit you. But which charming element will it be?
- Which Element Are You?[by: annafrozen12, rated: 4.31rated: 4.31/5, published: Aug 26, 2016]
Thanks for clicking my quiz. This quiz is about what element describes your personality! I researched online to find out which elements are associated with…
- What is your Dragon Element?[by: Elder Dragon, rated: 4.24rated: 4.24/5, published: Apr 15, 2014]
Discover your dragon element. Are you air, water, fire or earth?
- Which of the 10 elements are you?[by: DemiDragon987, rated: 4.24rated: 4.24/5, published: Sep 30, 2020]
Have you ever wanted to find out which element you are, but not the 4 boring original elements, well you've come to the right place! This quiz will tell you…
- What is Your Elemental Personality?[by: TinyDJ955, rated: 4.2rated: 4.2/5, published: Apr 11, 2019]
There are many quizzes for personality and for elements, but this one is a package deal. You'll find out your elemental personality. It's your personality…
- What is your element?[by: Dr. Anne Marie, rated: 4.13rated: 4.13/5, published: Jun 11, 2018]
Welcome to one of the most important quizzes you will ever take. I will ask you deep questions that will reveal the truth about your element and how you…
- Which Of The Four Elements Best Matches Your Personality?[by: Jade, rated: 4.12rated: 4.12/5, published: Mar 7, 2020]
Which of the main four elements are you? Are you creative enough to be water? Practical enough to be earth? Imaginative enough to be air? Or brave enough to…
- What Is Your Spirit Element?[by: AquaDragon29, rated: 3.97rated: 3.97/5, published: Nov 8, 2019]
Our Earth, when you think about it, was created from these four prime elements. God/Allah or whatever religion you follow, created these to make the world…
- Discover Your Dominant Element[by: shadowjade, rated: 3.95rated: 3.95/5, published: Jun 19, 2019]
Find your dominant element - earth, fire, water or air, which will be yours?
- What Nature Force Are You?[by: Svetlana Pritzker, rated: 3.88rated: 3.88/5, published: Sep 4, 2014]
Our test helps you understand your Life Force Energy Archetype. Energize your health, love life, and professional endeavors.
- What Is Your Element?[by: lunar_eternity, rated: 3.87rated: 3.87/5, published: May 11, 2010]
In this world, there are many elements. The most basic, magical elements are Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit. Each embodies a different power, with their…
- What is your Element? Your Hidden Power?[by: TodiraÅŸcu Maria Jessica, rated: 3.86rated: 3.86/5, published: Oct 31, 2017]
Find out your true element and see if you may have a hidden power within you.
- What is your natural element?[by: dkdkdkdkd, rated: 3.85rated: 3.85/5, published: Jul 10, 2010]
There are four elements said to compose the core characteristics of a person. Earth, Water, Air, and Fire each have their own traits. find out which element…
- Which Element are YOU?[by: Blue-eyed Angel, rated: 3.82rated: 3.82/5, published: Feb 15, 2010]
The elements have always been something of a stereotype, to classify others on an elemental level, if you will. It shows what you really are, and affects how…
- Que elemento eres ?[by: Sempai, rated: 3.81rated: 3.81/5, published: May 22, 2018]
Aqui podran ver a cual grupo de elemento pertenecen. Este cuestionario se hace para el grupo de discord de Vr Tomodachi. El grupo en si que salga no se podra…
- What Elemental Are You?[by: Jetsan Supreme, rated: 3.81rated: 3.81/5, published: Apr 17, 2007]
Are you: curious and rational Air, warm and secure Earth, active and enthusiastic Fire, suave and charismatic Water? Discover your dominant Elemental.
- Which Element Best Suits You?[by: manic_depression, rated: 3.8rated: 3.8/5, published: Feb 27, 2013]
A lot of people think they know everything there is to know about the elements. Well, the truth is, elements can have a million different definitions! People…
- What Magical Element are you?[by: casey, rated: 3.76rated: 3.76/5, published: Sep 23, 2008]
Have you ever wondered what element you are most like, or would like to control? Fire, Water, Earth , and Air... all different, all unique. some naturally…
- What Is Your Element?[by: Eddie, rated: 3.71rated: 3.71/5, published: Oct 27, 2007]
The four elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are seen throughout Eastern philosophies. This quiz will determine which element matches you best.
- What's your Element?[by: H. Willshire, rated: 3.69rated: 3.69/5, published: Nov 7, 2007]
The ancient Greeks believed the Earth was composed of four Elements; Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Modern science has supposedly proved this theory wrong, but…
- What Element Are You?[by: Fred moore, rated: 3.51rated: 3.51/5, published: Jan 22, 2007]
What element are you aligned with? Have you ever wondered what element you were? Or maybe you have wondered why some people you just don't get along with…
- Which element represents your personality[by: BiscuitBear37, rated: 4.13rated: 4.13/5, published: Apr 30, 2023]
I've done some re-search about the elements and found out about the traits and details each one holds. From this information, your element will be revealed.
- Alchemy : What's Your Element?[by: Cyanmist003, rated: 3.49rated: 3.49/5, published: Jan 12, 2015]
Long time ago, there are mortals who challenged the elementals. It caused quite a ruckus and countless of battle arouse. Of course, the elementals, along with…
- What Natural Element Are You?[by: Naomi, rated: 3.39rated: 3.39/5, published: Mar 25, 2009]
This is a quiz to see which one of the legendary elements you are. You could be fire, water, wind, or earth. But in my theory there aren't only 4 natural or…
- What is your Elemental Power?[by: Kate Melendez, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: Dec 16, 2015]
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have elemental powers? Well, most likely, you do, and all it takes is a simple test to discover what power you…
- What element are you?[by: Michael, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: Apr 2, 2007]
Your element is what defines you. It's what tells you about yourself. Your element is something special to you. It is very important because it that makes…
- What Element Are You?[by: Theresa, rated: 3.35rated: 3.35/5, published: Aug 17, 2010]
There are the elements that are in everything. A lot is known about them, but not everything. There are many, like fire and water. Only so many are…
- What kind of Elemental Master are you?[by: arby, rated: 3.35rated: 3.35/5, published: Nov 2, 2006]
Dividing human personalities into four elements is a tradition that goes back millennia, to the ancient Greeks. Earth, Air, Fire and Water each have dramatic…
- What Element are you most like?[by: Sand_Genin, rated: 3.3rated: 3.3/5, published: Mar 28, 2007]
Earth, Fire, Darkness, Water, Wind, Lightning, Air, Ice. Which one best describes you? Are you as unpredictable and uncontrollable as Fire, or as calm and…
- What is the Element of your Soul?[by: LukasWalker, rated: 3.08rated: 3.08/5, published: Apr 17, 2020]
This quiz was created to find the element that your soul most connects with. The elements are Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Those elements can also branch off…
- What Heavenly Elemental are you?[by: Zypher, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: Aug 20, 2009]
Many people wonder what their element is. With this quiz, you'll find out what element you are! Which are you?: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, or Darkness?
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