What is your spirit house animal?

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Are you a lazy but cute cat, an active and friendly dog, a loyal fish, or an alert and afraid bunny? You can be either in this new quiz! It's for all animal lovers and for those who wonder what their ideal pet looks like!

It asks you just 12 questions that are pretty easy to answer. Stuff like, "which are you most", and what would this look like?" will appear in this quiz. I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Lilah
  1. What's your age?
  2. What would your perfect weekend look like out of these?
  3. Do you consider yourself cute?
  4. Who do you make friends with?
  5. Which one are you?
  6. Day or Night?
  7. What's your favorite place out of these?
  8. What time do you wake up more?
  9. What's your favorite wild beast out of these?
  10. What's the sound that most calls you?
  11. What's the better weather in your opinion?
  12. Lastly, what's your goal in life?

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Quiz topic: What is my spirit house animal?
