Are you lazy or not? (Im lazy)

So like have you ever wondered how lazy you are? Or were u too lazy to think lol cuz same. Do you trust this quiz anyways? I wouldn’t tbh but these are fun

Maybe you are ACTIVE and like sports (Idk wHat those r I’ve heard that active people like them) and you’re..... outside not taking this quiz. bUt yOu cOuLd Be tAkiNg A bREak

Created by: Poonpoonpalmtree
  1. Your bff asks you to go to a bday party and you really wanna go but it’s far and you don’t have a car
  2. Your mom is begging you to take a hike because you haven’t been out in days
  3. You move in to a new house and you decide you HATE THE COLOUR OF THE HOUSE what do you do?
  4. I should have asked this first lol what do you hope u r (no effect btw)
  5. Ok so what do you THINK YOU ARE (no effect)
  6. Do you text/type like this? or liek this
  7. How often do you shower
  8. Did ya like this quiz
  9. Imma ask you questions have no result affectness what ur fave colour
  10. Who is ur fave singer

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Quiz topic: Am I lazy or not? (Im lazy)

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