what is your soul element?

answer the stuff and you will get your soul element. Look, i don't like cheaters so please don't cheat. take the test again if you think you got the wrong element.

Please answer this honestly. there are four possible elements you could get- Air,Earth,Fire, or Water. there are only a few questions so PLEASE ANSWER THEM HONESTLY

Created by: Eleven
  1. what would you rather do
  2. do you like to show off
  3. do you think you have a voice. answer honestly
  4. do you have adhd
  5. do u like to read
  6. do you hate animals
  7. do you have alergies?
  8. are u a boy
  9. are u a girl
  10. did you answer this honestly

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Quiz topic: What is my soul element? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Elemental Quiz category.
