What is your soccer position?

Certain soccer players are blessed with natural ability, but even that doesn't guarantee soccer success. You need to work hard to become a good soccer player, both on and off the field. You also need to have a love for the game that keeps you motivated when things aren't going your way.


Created by: GJay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How fast are you?
  2. How strong is your leg
  3. How long do you plan on being a soccer player?
  4. Filler(Sorry!)
  5. I love this quiz
  6. How many goals will you score if you played for a Division 1 English(England) team
  7. 3 more until the quiz is over,please gimmie some feedbak
  8. Your going against the first team that signed you,when you score a goal do you celebrate?
  9. Two more....
  10. That last question decided your path......

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Quiz topic: What is my soccer position?