How good are you at soccer?

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This quiz will tell you if you are skillful and athletic and if you're good at soccer in general.At the end you will get the true answer about are good are you at soccer.If you didn't do the quiz honestly then please retake the quiz to find out the true answer.I hope you enjoy the quiz and that's all I've got!

Again be honest with this quiz alright.If you want the truth then do it right ok.Also if you don't like soccer please leave.I don't want to be rude but don't do this quiz if you don't like soccer.

Created by: Mark Davis
  1. Do you practice quite often?
  2. Are you skillful?
  3. Do you like soccer? (If not then leave)
  4. Are you playing for a club/team?
  5. Who is your favorite player?
  6. Are you athletic?
  7. Are you fit?
  8. What is an actual skill in soccer?
  9. How fast can you run?
  10. How old are you?
  11. How tall are you?
  12. What is the actual soccer club?
  13. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How good am I at soccer?
