Are you on track to become a professional soccer player

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If you want to know if you will become a professional soccer player take this quiz. I might help you a lot. Just take it it won’t hurt. Please and thank you

See what will it take to get to the top. Get your head into the game become like your favorite player Messi Neymar Ronaldo. Win a bunch of championships and trophies

Created by: Zayd
  1. Are you one of the top goal scorers on your team
  2. Are you on a team
  3. What do you do if you lose a match
  4. What is your position
  5. How old are you
  6. How much do you practice a week
  7. What team are playing for
  8. Do you have friends committed to this too
  9. There is a penalty for your team what will you do
  10. If the other team is trash talking what do you do

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Quiz topic: Am I on track to become a professional soccer player
