What is your skill in Fortnite?

This is the Ultimate Fortnite Skill quiz! This will kinda accurately display your Fortnite skill level! Now remember. It's a Fortnite quiz. Don't take this quiz seriously...

I hope you enjoy the quiz! This is just an inaccurate quiz. By the way, If you don't want to see gibberish, then don't read from here! H1! Th1$ 1$ jusT F1llER!

Created by: Aaron
  1. What is your skin combo? (Doesn't affect skill)
  2. When did you start playing Fortnite?
  3. How many games have you won?
  4. What's your arena division?
  5. What modes do you play?
  6. What is your placement
  7. What do you normally get in tournaments?
  8. What tourneys do you compete in?
  9. What's your PR? (Power level)
  10. How much have you earned?
  11. Can you build? Simple question.
  12. Do you VOD review?
  13. Lastly, which do you like. Casual or competitive?

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Quiz topic: What is my skill in Fortnite?
