What is your Signature Candle Fragrance? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Love Spell 89%

    Oh, you dreamboat, you! So passionate and tender, who can help but be putty in your hands? You probably have hair that ripples in the wind as you stand silhouetted with the moonlight unveiling the beauty of your eyes. You sweep people off their feet and make them forget everything but you. This scent is a pampering and lush blend peach, cherry blossom and white jasmine. A very sensual fragrance.

    67% Lavender
    62% Vanilla
    60% Amber Romance®
    53% Warm Spicy Peach
    50% Pia Colada
    40% Chocolate Fudge Brownie
    38% Stargazer Lily and Roses
    24% Grape Vineyard
    14% Cinnamon Clove

  • Your Result: Pia Colada 78%

    You are optimistic, fun-loving, friendly, and happy. You like to cheer up anyone who seems down because you don't like to see anyone sad. Pia Colada is a drink made from pineapple, rum, and coconut. It is reminiscent of lazy summer days relaxing on the beach with a cool drink.

    74% Chocolate Fudge Brownie
    72% Vanilla
    70% Cinnamon Clove
    62% Warm Spicy Peach
    48% Grape Vineyard
    46% Love Spell
    34% Stargazer Lily and Roses
    20% Amber Romance®
    14% Lavender

  • What is your Signature Candle Fragrance?
    Your Result: Stargazer Lily and Roses

    77% Your personality is sweet, gentle, kind, tender, affectionate, and peaceful. A floral scent that is addictive and intoxicating. Roses are good in aromatherapy for emotional balance and healing while stargazer lilies, in my opinion, are the most wonderful smelling flower there is.

    53% Grape Vineyard
    46% Love Spell
    46% Vanilla
    43% Warm Spicy Peach
    40% Lavender
    29% Pia Colada
    28% Amber Romance
    10% Cinnamon Clove
    0% Chocolate Fudge Brownie
    Perfect for my personality ^.^

  • What is your Signature Candle Fragrance?
    Your Result: Amber Romance 88%

    So chaste, so romantic... your life started with once upon a time and will most definitely end with happily ever after. Amber Romance is the scent of a kiss under the sunset, or an embrace in a flowery field, or a moonlit night under the stars. You are a warm, alluring blend of black cherry, crme anglaise, vanilla and sandalwood. When you smell this scent, it is an aphrodisiac and antidepressant all in one.

    71% Love Spell
    57% Warm Spicy Peach
    55% Cinnamon Clove
    53% Chocolate Fudge Brownie
    46% Pia Colada
    31% Vanilla
    26% Stargazer Lily and Roses
    21% Grape Vineyard
    0% Lavender

  • Your Result: Love Spell

    Oh, you dreamboat, you! So passionate and tender, who can help but be putty in your hands? You probably have hair that ripples in the wind as you stand silhouetted with the moonlight unveiling the beauty of your eyes. You sweep people off their feet and make them forget everything but you. This scent is a pampering and lush blend peach, cherry blossom and white jasmine. A very sensual fragrance.

  • You have a very spicy personality but also comforting. You are energetic, invigorating, exciting, and maybe even a little crazy. Cinnamon and clove are two of the oldest spies known. In ancient times, they were often valued more than gold . In the Bible, cinnamon is associated with the holy anointing oil, the bed of King Solomon, and the smell of the Lord.

    Cinnam on Clove ;)

  • Your Result: Chocolate Fudge Brownie 54%

    You are childlike and mischievous and you smell oh so yummy! You have a good sense of humor and know how to have fun. There is nothing like biting into a freshly baked chocolate fudge brownie... mmmm... you're making my mouth water.

    50% Cinnamon Clove
    46% Vanilla
    38% Pia Colada
    30% Lavender
    28% Warm Spicy Peach
    24% Grape Vineyard
    24% Stargazer Lily and Roses
    20% Love Spell

  • Stargazer Lily and Roses 84%

    Your personality is sweet, gentle, kind, tender, affectionate, and peaceful. A floral scent that is addictive and intoxicating. Roses are good in aromatherapy for emotional balance and healing while stargazer lilies, in my opinion, are the most wonderful smelling flower there is.

    Aw :) Perfect

  • oohhh
    What is your Signature Candle Fragrance?
    Your Result: Grape Vineyard

    You are a logical, dignified, and intelligent person with a good head on your shoulders. You are a professional hard worker. Refined and classy, you are Grape Vineyard with the enticing, elegant aroma of fruity wine.

  • Piña Colada. Definitely xD

    You are optimistic, fun-loving, friendly, and happy. You like to cheer up anyone who seems down because you don't like to see anyone sad. Piña Colada is a drink made from pineapple, rum, and coconut. It is reminiscent of lazy summer days relaxing on the beach with a cool drink.

  • Vanilla

    You are soft, warm, caring, honest, and trustworthy. The fragrance of vanilla brings back sweet childhood memories of ice-cream in the summertime, holidays, innocent pleasures, and treats. Vanilla is a calming, relaxing scent.

    Vanilla.. . my favorite ice cream flavour... memories...

    I like music
  • i got vinilla

    Vinilla:You are soft, warm, caring, honest, and trustworthy. The fragrance of vanilla brings back sweet childhood memories of ice-cream in the summertime, holidays, innocent pleasures, and treats. Vanilla is a calming, relaxing scent.

  • WHOO-HOO!!! PINA COLADA!!! SOO TRUE, TOO!!! Piña Colada

    You are optimistic, fun-loving, friendly, and happy. You like to cheer up anyone who seems down because you don't like to see anyone sad. Piña Colada is a drink made from pineapple, rum, and coconut. It is reminiscent of lazy summer days relaxing on the beach with a cool drink.

  • Sorry but this quiz wasn't very accurate. Apparently I am chocolate fudge browine and well....lets just say thats not me I'm more of a pina colada or vanilla or lavender. Good try though!! (I'm really not trying to be mean!! I was just giving my opinion!!)

  • Spicy peach

    You are a loving friendly and fun person. Just like a peach you are warm and fuzzy. Sweet juicy and delicious, the smell of peach is inviting.g and invigorating

  • Lavender

    Encouraging, trustworthy, soothing, and restful, you are lavender. Lavender is a very relaxing scent that helps to reduce stress. It is a floral, woodsy, pungent scent

    koolz :P

  • Grape Vineyard. Well, I Am Pretty Clever...

  • Chocolate Fudge Brownie XD

  • Peach. Yah. xD

    And people, shut up about those stories! These messages aren't true! >=O Kisses messages suck!

  • Mmm... Chocolate Fudge Brownie...

  • Grape vineyard huh chocolate fudge brownie and pina coloda don't sound bad.

    Ellis Redding
  • i got lavender which is actually my favorite scent

  • Tee hee, pia colada? Ok. I like it. Maybe I should invest in a candle that smells like alcoholism.

  • Stargazer lily and roses! Sounds like me! I'll ask my mom to get those for me. :p

  • Chocolate fudge brownie.Isa hungry.No wonder.

    Poppy 101

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