BloodyMoonlight's Profile
Joined on Dec 7, 2009
Status Level: Newbie
15-Year Club
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BloodyMoonlight's Recent Quiz Comments
"71% woo :D"
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"Erik "
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"A colorful wedding... cool. (:"
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"Meee!!!! I loveee Wesley!!! "
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"Your Result: Poseidon
Hahah, really? Cool like Percy (;"1 -
"Your result: Aphrodite
You are the godess of love. you are a divine creation with beauty and power. you nare sort of like cupid.…"
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"Monophobia, fear of being alone...interesing :P I don't like to be alone, but I don't think I'm afraid of it O: haha."
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"Annabeth; awesome. (x"
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"Great quiz!
Your Result: ErikHe was mad that he didnt listen to the warnings before, but he was happy he was able to save…"
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"Loving Erik!! :D"