What is your Sexuality

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This may not be correct but i can try. This can just be for fun if you want it to be. I do not mind. Just remember to love yourself. Love everyone. LOVE!!!!

IDK for this one. OwO. UwU. CwO. :3. LOVE IS EVERYTHING. what am i doing now? Don't answer but if you want to ok. (^V^) ◑W◐ (⊙O⊙) (´0ω0`) (>V<) LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Created by: FawnElla Fun
  1. Are you a girl, boy, or other
  2. who are you attracted to?
  3. are you the gender you were born?
  4. are you confused about your sexuality?
  5. who are you?
  6. which emoji?
  7. do you like yourself?
  8. Love yourself
  9. what do you think this is my first quiz.
  10. must add one more...... so how is your day?

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Quiz topic: What is my Sexuality
