What is your Sexual Orientation?

Are you confused about your sexual orientation? Well, you can be less confused about it if you take this quiz! (Not a great pitch, I know.) Take the quiz today!

Also, this is not meant to offend people in any way. Another thing, please don’t take this quiz seriously. I’m not the judge who decides this stuff. I’m just trying to point you in the right direction.

Created by: Person
  1. First off, what gender are you? (Does not affect your score.)
  2. Who do you fantasize about?
  3. Who do you most support?
  4. What gender have you had a crush on?
  5. What do you think you are?
  6. How many same-sex crushes have you had?
  7. How many straight crushes have you had?
  8. Did you like this quiz? (Does not affect score.)
  9. Should I make another quiz in the future? (Does not affect score.)
  10. Finally, was this helpful? (Does not affect score.)

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Quiz topic: What is my Sexual Orientation?
