What is your role in a story?

Hello!! You may have already done some of my other quizzes before, if you haven't please check them out!! Anyways, this quiz is all about what your role would be in a book!!

Are you a main character, sidekick/best friend, a side character or a villain? Well, just click whatever button that relates to you the most and have fun!!

Created by: LuluLemon
  1. First of all what is your hogwarts house?
  2. Who are you in school??
  3. What is your biggest fear?
  4. Use three adjectives to describe you
  5. What is your favourite genre to whatch/read?
  6. Who is your idol?
  7. What is your hobbies?
  8. What famous character are you most like?
  9. What is your favourite holiday?
  10. Favourite Season

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Quiz topic: What is my role in a story?
