What is your physical age | Comments

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  • Boy this was way off, on the younger side. It said I was 30 & I just turned 57. The questions are totally irrelevant. I was trying to find a quiz that determines physical age of my body. You know, with questions like, How many Diagnosed Phyical Illnesses, Disorders &/or Syndromes do you have? How many prescription medications do you take? How often do you exercise? How often do you go to the doctor? How many hours of sleep do you get, every night? What is your job? (Include Retired & Disabled) How often do you go out for entertainment? How often do you go shopping? (Include None! Someone else does my shopping for me.). I've been disabled since my early 30s. I've been homebound for 3 years & bedridden for 2¾ years. I have several Illnesses, Including a terminal Illness. The doctors say I could go any time. But I most likely won't make it to 60... When I turned 50, I found one of those quizzes & 7 years ago, my body was in the same condition as an average 86 year old man. So now I'd be in my mid-late 90s, if not over 100.

  • Wow I'm 5'6 and 1/2 and I weigh like 120lbs. I am not FAT! I am 14 and actually underweight for my height. I'm actually skinny!

  • bad quiz really really bad quiz

  • 78% Im 5'5" and 125lbs. By the way, Im twelve and the fastest runner in my grade.

  • 78% what?? ummm, 5'1" 86lbs for a 14 year old girl is 20 pounds underweight. . .

  • 58% fatty lol im not even fat im skinny wtf


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