What is your personality type?

The coolest gang of all time now offers a quiz so you can find out your personality type and the cool factor. are you a bridger, a mitch, a josh, a steve, a dez, or a sam. Find out NOW

NOW for a limited time only this quiz is offered at the very reasonable price of free. If you want to pay money, you can though. that is no problem at all for me

Created by: Bridger

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are asked to do a presentation for class. You have to give a five minute oral presentation too a bunch of people you hardly know... What do you do?
  2. You work at a restaurant as a waiter. You noticed that there is a really hot person of the opposite gender at a table in your section. You think she is giving you the eye but are not completely sure. What do you do?
  3. You work at a restaurant as a waiter. You noticed that there is a really hot person of the opposite gender at a table in your section. You think she is giving you the eye but are not completely sure. What do you do?
  4. You are a customer in a restaurant where there are a lot of hot servers of the opposite gender. Your server is especially hot. do you...
  5. Your favorite TV show is/was...
  6. Caitlin Cruise is....
  7. You are going on an AWESOME trip to Durango Mountain Resort. What type of a cruiser will you be?
  8. Tom Cruise is...
  9. Your good friend has a pool. It is a good sized pool with all the cool water toys you could want. The only problem is you don't have any cool swim game ideas. Do you...
  10. Your overly ambitious calculous teacher just made a fellow student break his hand. This student also has gauged ears... Do you...
  11. The BEST superhero of all time is...

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Quiz topic: What is my personality type?