What is your ninjago element?

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This quiz decides what element your personality suits. Are you strong like earth? Adaptable, like water? Clever, like the mind? Or perhaps hot tempered like fire.

This quiz will give you the answer to the question. The possible results are: Earth, Fire, Water, Ice, Mind, Metal and Lightning. Please enjoy it. (I did this because I was bored)

Created by: Malafactor
  1. Which quality do you value most in a friend?
  2. What is your favourite power?
  3. Do you prefer solid, liquid or gas?
  4. What is your favourite colour?
  5. Which realm would you least like to spend a week in?
  6. Who is your favourite ninja?
  7. Who is your least favourite ninja?
  8. Your friend gets attacked by a bully. What do you do?
  9. Someone close to you dies because of a mistake in a operation. What do you do?
  10. What is your opinion on Jay and Nya having a relationship?

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Quiz topic: What is my ninjago element?
