what is your name? based on personality and looks.

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hi this quiz is just to see what your personality/spirt name would be based on your appearance and personality just by answering a couple questions about the way you look and think you should be good to go!

simple easy and fun is how I hope you will remember this quiz. Hope you liked it! please come back for more by me! have an amazing day! there are five possible results just fyi- hope you like it!

Created by: Lillian Grace
  1. how old are you
  2. what is your gender
  3. what is your eye-color???
  4. what is your hair color
  5. hair texture???
  6. are you a romance type person??
  7. how often do you work out???
  8. you see someone fall, you...
  9. how many sports do you play
  10. how many books do you read weekly
  11. did you like the quiz????
  12. will you rate/like the quiz, look for more quizzes by me????

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Quiz topic: What is my name? based on personality and looks.
