what is your hobby by your persanality

do YOU want to know what your hobby is well step right up take THIS quiz at GoGoQuiz.com it is a safe quiz were you can find out what your hobby is and get this... there are lots more!

do you know or not what your hobby is? if you do not know...... come take this quiz! you will have fun and finily know what is your hobby is and then you can tell your friends!

Created by: hannah
  1. what do you do in your free time?
  2. how many friends do you have?
  3. if you had a pet what would it be?
  4. do you play music?
  5. how old are you?
  6. do you have talent?
  7. are you a girl or boy?
  8. are you bendy?
  9. do you like animals?
  10. do you play sports?
  11. do you like reading?

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Quiz topic: What is my hobby by my persanality