What is Your High School Stereotype?

Ready to find out if you're a Punk Rocker, Popular Kid, Wannabee, Jock, Nerd, Emo, or Random Person? Take this quiz to find out. The outcome will tell you how to improve YOURSELF, and it will help you later on.

Ready to find out if you're a Punk Rocker, Popular Kid, Wannabee, Jock, Nerd, Emo, or Random Person? You will soon find out. Good luck, and let the stereotype be with you.

Created by: Rae
  1. If you were put on a playground and expected to play, where would you go?
  2. What is your friendship status???
  3. What is (are) your favorite color(s).
  4. What is your favorite thing to wear?
  5. What quote best describes you?
  6. What type of music do you listen to?
  7. What do YOU think symbolizes peace?
  8. What is the answer to this question?
  9. Do you want to leave now?
  10. Hola

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Quiz topic: What is my High School Stereotype? You can find more quizzes like this one in our HS Stereotypes Quiz category.