What Is Your Gender Expression? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Androgynous 76%

    You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    I actually identify as gender neutral!! This makes me really happy. ☺👌Thank you so much!!

    • SAME! I prefer non-bianary... I'm a girl but my username is a male name! Juts be yourself!

      Nagisa Shiota
    • i think i got the *exact* same, like the same percentage and everything

    • i got what i thought i would i'm a tomboy

  • What Is Your Gender Expression?
    Your Result: Androgynous 89%

    You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    63% Quite Feminine
    59% Quite Masculine
    26% Very Masculine
    22% Very Feminine

    Okay so, I was born female, but am non-binary, and this result makes me extremely overjoyed! ;D

    • same i was afab but im non binary as well i was so happy when it said androgynous though in my friend group my pronouns get confused a lot because i just came out a month or two ago.

  • Your Result: Very Feminine 80%

    You are pretty, fabulous, nurturing and gentle. If you're a woman, you fit society's norm perfectly. You are the classic girly girl. If you're a man, people are going to be upset and call you names, because you're quite far from what people think boys and men should be. Screw them - be yourself. If you're nonbinary, people will most likely not believe you and see you as a woman, as it's easier in their binary worldview. That's their problem - expression is not the same thing as gender.

    I'm a boy and born as a boy but I do very feminine stuff, This is accurate because i was mostly feminine.

  • Your Result: Very Masculine 86%

    You are rough, tough, badass and practical. If you're a man, you fit society's norm perfectly. You are the classic macho man. If you're a woman, people are going to be upset and call you names, because you're quite far from what people think girls and women should be. Screw them - be yourself. If you're nonbinary, people will most likely not believe you and see you as a man, as it's easier in their binary worldview. That's their problem - expression is not the same thing as gender.


  • What Is Your Gender Expression?
    Your Result: Androgynous 76%

    You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    63% Quite Feminine
    46% Quite Masculine
    34% Very Feminine
    26% Very Masculine

    Im actually pretty happy with this answer! Also this was a fun quiz. I was born a female but lately dunno what I am aha I still identify as a woman but I might change once I realise what is happening 2 me..

    • yay i am a trans guy now. i thought i was genderfluid for a bit but i realised i dont want to be a girl at all lol

      when i transition (to the point where i pass as a male) my gender expression probably will be a little bit more feminine bc i kind of? maybe like feminine clothes but at the moemnt they give me strong gender dysphoria so i dont know hahaa

    • Good for you! Be happy with yourself!

      Nagisa Shiota
    • Being a girl doesnt mean you have to be girly. Im a woman and Ive considered a tomboy forever, but I dont need to justify my personality to other people by putting a label on it. You do you and thats what matters.

  • What Is Your Gender Expression?
    Your Result: Androgynous 86%

    You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    81% Quite Feminine
    71% Quite Masculine
    53% Very Feminine
    33% Very Masculine

  • Your Result: Very Masculine 89%

    You are rough, tough, badass and practical. If you're a man, you fit society's norm perfectly. You are the classic macho man. If you're a woman, people are going to be upset and call you names, because you're quite far from what people think girls and women should be. Screw them - be yourself. If you're nonbinary, people will most likely not believe you and see you as a man, as it's easier in their binary worldview. That's their problem - expression is not the same thing as gender.

    68% Quite Masculine
    30% Androgynous
    26% Quite Feminine
    18% Very Feminine
    sooo meee

  • You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    This is surprisingly correct! I'm bigender (Which is a person who has two gender identities or a combination of two gender identities. Not to be confused with bisexual) and am currently going through a lot of stuff with my gender and whatnot.

  • Your Result: Androgynous 80%

    You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    Im a girl but never really fit into a lot of stereotypical girly things (or guy things either for that matter) interesting

  • Very Feminine and that's what I am and I love it because the actual truth came to the fore front, though I am a male actually I confirm to be a WOMAN inside and I love dressing as one stepping out whenever I can, I would love to do it more often and live the way I feel. Thanks, it's a game changer for Me.

    • Same here I am very feminine and I am also transgender mtf fully transitioned.

  • Your Result: Very Feminine

    You are pretty, fabulous, nurturing and gentle. If you're a woman, you fit society's norm perfectly. You are the classic girly girl. If you're a man, people are going to be upset and call you names, because you're quite far from what people think boys and men should be. Screw them - be yourself. If you're nonbinary, people will most likely not believe you and see you as a woman, as it's easier in their binary worldview. That's their problem - expression is not the same thing as gender

  • Your Result: Quite Feminine 81%

    You are between androgyny and femininity. If you're a woman, you still fit inside the female norm, so you won't have many problems from this direction. If you're a man, you might be called "metrosexual". Some people will think that's cool, others (more conservative) might hate on you. If you're gay, you fit the stereotype a bit, so some people may say "I knew it". No matter what, be yourself. If you're nonbinary, you are still in the androgyny zone. However, some people may still see you as a girl. It might be easier if you are assigned male or identify as a demigirl (part female, part neutral). On the other hand, who cares what people think? You do you.

    I'm a metrosexual (bisexual*) guy with a girlfriend LOL people see me as a flamboyant guy, not necessarily gay because I dress more like a biker, and like martial arts and most importantly, I'm a ladies man👌

  • Your Result: Quite Masculine 91%

    You are between androgyny and masculinity. If you're a man, you still fit inside the male norm, so you won't have many problems from this direction. If you're a woman, you might be called "a tomboy". Some people will think that's cool, others (more conservative) might hate on you. If you're a lesbian, you fit the stereotype a bit, so some people may say "I knew it". No matter what, be yourself. If you're nonbinary, you are still in the androgyny zone. However, some people may still see you as a guy. It might be easier if you are assigned female or identify as a demiboy (part male, part neutral). On the other hand, who cares what people think? You do you.

    86% Androgynous
    58% Quite Feminine
    58% Very Masculine
    28% Very Feminine

    Very nice quiz now im off to the store to get a fluffy tail OwO

  • You are between androgyny and masculinity. If you're a man, you still fit inside the male norm, so you won't have many problems from this direction. If you're a woman, you might be called "a tomboy". Some people will think that's cool, others (more conservative) might hate on you. If you're a lesbian, you fit the stereotype a bit, so some people may say "I knew it". No matter what, be yourself. If you're nonbinary, you are still in the androgyny zone. However, some people may still see you as a guy. It might be easier if you are assigned female or identify as a demiboy (part male, part neutral). On the other hand, who cares what people think? You do you.

    72% Very Masculine
    59% Androgynous
    30% Quite Feminine
    4% Very Feminine

    I was expecting to be androgynous, but this still works. I am actually female though.

  • Your Result: Androgynous 86%

    You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    81% Quite Feminine
    76% Quite Masculine
    48% Very Feminine
    38% Very Masculine
    :O yey, thats all Ill say

  • Your Result: Androgynous 88%

    You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    82% Quite Feminine
    68% Quite Masculine
    62% Very Feminine
    38% Very Masculine

    from the other results im more feminine so yay (she/her)

  • Androgynous 80%

    You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    Funny and perfect because my pronouns are She/They! :) And I'm Bisexual!

  • You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    I identified my as genderfluid. I am happy.

    Also I do this quiz two times before. First time I was Quite Feminine, second time I was Androgynous and third time it was same as second time.

  • What Is Your Gender Expression?
    Your Result: Quite Masculine 86%

    You are between androgyny and masculinity. If you're a man, you still fit inside the male norm, so you won't have many problems from this direction. If you're a woman, you might be called "a tomboy". Some people will think that's cool, others (more conservative) might hate on you. If you're a lesbian, you fit the stereotype a bit, so some people may say "I knew it". No matter what, be yourself. If you're nonbinary, you are still in the androgyny zone. However, some people may still see you as a guy. It might be easier if you are assigned female or identify as a demiboy (part male, part neutral). On the other hand, who cares what people think? You do you.

    is this ok if I am genderfluid

    • Sorry, I know I'm chiming in kinda late, but YES! However you feel about yourself and how you WANT to identify is the only thing that matters. I'm still mostly closeted at 40 but have been struggling with my gender identity my whole life (grew up in a strict/unaccepting time, area, and family). I was born male, but identify as gender fluid to myself, a VERY small group of friends, and selected groups on the internet, and I got 93% very feminine on this test. I have SO much more I would like to say, but I'll stop here with the takeaway: Be who YOU want to be based on how YOU FEEL(even if that changes every day), not who others want you to be to fit their narrow mindset. You be you, and remember to LOVE YOURSELF!

  • Quite Feminine 86%

    You are between androgyny and femininity. If you're a woman, you still fit inside the female norm, so you won't have many problems from this direction. If you're a man, you might be called "metrosexual". Some people will think that's cool, others (more conservative) might hate on you. If you're gay, you fit the stereotype a bit, so some people may say "I knew it". No matter what, be yourself. If you're nonbinary, you are still in the androgyny zone. However, some people may still see you as a girl. It might be easier if you are assigned male or identify as a demigirl (part female, part neutral). On the other hand, who cares what people think? You do you.

  • Quite Masculine 89%

    You are between androgyny and masculinity. If you're a man, you still fit inside the male norm, so you won't have many problems from this direction. If you're a woman, you might be called "a tomboy". Some people will think that's cool, others (more conservative) might hate on you. If you're a lesbian, you fit the stereotype a bit, so some people may say "I knew it". No matter what, be yourself. If you're nonbinary, you are still in the androgyny zone. However, some people may still see you as a guy. It might be easier if you are assigned female or identify as a demiboy (part male, part neutral). On the other hand, who cares what people think? You do you.

    I dont really know what to think here... I was born a female. But I have to admit, I dont really dress much like a female, but Im actually genderfluid(as far as I know right now). So I am sometimes, they/them, he/him and she/her. But I am usually they/them or he/him so it makes sense.

  • I knew it all long girl What Is Your Gender Expression?

    Your Result: Quite Feminine 79%

    You are between androgyny and femininity. If you're a woman, you still fit inside the female norm, so you won't have many problems from this direction. If you're a man, you might be called "metrosexual". Some people will think that's cool, others (more conservative) might hate on you. If you're gay, you fit the stereotype a bit, so some people may say "I knew it". No matter what, be yourself. If you're nonbinary, you are still in the androgyny zone. However, some people may still see you as a girl. It might be easier if you are assigned male or identify as a demigirl (part female, part neutral). On the other hand, who cares what people think? You do you.

    58% Very Feminine
    52% Androgynous
    14% Quite Masculine
    0% Very Masculine

  • Androgynous 86%

    You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    On point

  • Quite Feminine 85%

    You are between androgyny and femininity. If you're a woman, you still fit inside the female norm, so you won't have many problems from this direction. If you're a man, you might be called "metrosexual". Some people will think that's cool, others (more conservative) might hate on you. If you're gay, you fit the stereotype a bit, so some people may say "I knew it". No matter what, be yourself. If you're nonbinary, you are still in the androgyny zone. However, some people may still see you as a girl. It might be easier if you are assigned male or identify as a demigirl (part female, part neutral). On the other hand, who cares what people think? You do you.


  • Your Result: Androgynous 93%

    You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary, then you've reached the golden center of expression. You casually float in space beyond Mars and Venus. However, don't assume that you need to be perfectly in the middle of expression to be nonbinary. If you are a man or a woman, most people will be cool with it, except for the most conservative ones. Expect a lot of "are you a boy or are you a girl?" from confused onlookers. Enjoy being yourself.

    76% Quite Feminine
    55% Quite Masculine
    30% Very Feminine
    12% Very Masculine


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