What is your early American political Party?

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Are you interested in the history of early American politics? If you are, you will find this quiz interesting.

The political parties were different at the time of America's founding. If you are wondering which party you'd affiliate with had you been alive at the time, this quiz will tell you.

Created by: Nolan2044
  1. Should we let the immagrants stay?
  2. Should the US formally declare war on ISIS?
  3. Should the government be able to control the states?
  4. When Liberty is going away in other countries we should...
  5. How should we solve diplomatic issues
  6. Should the federal government be able to censor and abolish criticism of the president and other government figures?
  7. Are you rich poor or middle class
  8. Where do you live?
  9. Should the United States spread to bring freedom all over the globe (manifest destiny)
  10. A country attacks so you...
  11. Favorite president
  12. How is your day going!

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Quiz topic: What is my early American political Party?