what is your dream world like

have you wondered why you have so many night mares or the wirdest of dreams ever wondered who you are inside ever even cared about your dreams dreams are full of mystaery

dreams can tell alot about you and your life how you handle things and how treat things it can even get you out of denile and into bed and decode your dreams with a click of your mouse

Created by: catie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what dose the mountens look like in your dream
  2. what are forests like in your dream
  3. how often do you see a monster in your dream
  4. whats your pet in your dreams
  5. if there was a monster in your dream what would your wepon be
  6. the music in your dreams are often like..
  7. if you could have maxamum of any power what would it be
  8. if you could go anywhere in your dreams where would you go
  9. the wether in your dream is like
  10. do you like this quiz
  11. are you getting board

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Quiz topic: What is my dream world like