What is your CLUE weapon?

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Hi guys! And for those of you who took my quiz Which CLUE Character are you? this is like part two. For example let's say you are Mr. Green and took this quiz and got rope. Then you are Mr. Green using the rope.

And also, on some of the results, it might say you're instead of your. Please remember that it was a mistake. But this isn't to test my spelling, it's to see what your CLUE weapon is!

Created by: Miss Scarlet
  1. What do you think wrenches should be used for?
  2. There might be more than one way to use a rope for killing. Do you believe this?
  3. Have you taken my quiz, Which CLUE character are you?
  4. If yes, what was your result?
  5. If no, will you take it?
  6. Okay, back to the weapon theme. Out of all six weapons, which is your favorite?
  7. What do you think you might like doing most?
  8. True or false: you have used a weapon before (does NOT have to be a CLUE weapon)
  9. Who would you murder?
  10. What do you think you're going to get?

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Quiz topic: What is my CLUE weapon?
