What is your cat fur color?

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Hey, guys! Welcome to my second quiz! In this quiz you will find out your cat fur color! Also, check out my other quizzes, "What cat breed are you?", "What is your cat eye color?", and "Which cat fur pattern are you?".

So, what cat fur color are YOU? Is it black? White? Fawn? Go see for yourself! Tell me, what is it? I'll find out mine too! We will BOTH have our fur colors soon.

Created by: Georgia D. Raines
  1. What gender are you?
  2. Do you like meat?
  3. What is your favorite cat eye color?
  4. What is your favorite cat fur pattern?
  5. What is your favorite cat breed?
  6. Do you watch cat VINES?
  7. Do you like cats?
  8. Do you experience nosebleeds? (I do, especially in winter, but I have not experienced one this year).
  9. Do you like to draw? (I do).
  10. Lastly, are you solitary or social?

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Quiz topic: What is my cat fur color?
