what is your anime name??

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Hi my name is Amyuia but what is my real name tho mawhahahaha.....enough of the evilness tho let"s go on the bright side so i put a few questions that will have you thinking like whaaaaaaa!!!! but it's okay because it doesn't matter because we are in this togerher!

ummm about the eren yeager question umm... I GOT YEAGER ON MY MIND and the reason i put that is because levi is hard to win over and eren is hard but easy at the same time tho Alrighrt lego!

Created by: AnyuiaYeager of anime art cover
(your link here more info)
  1. what is your age?
  2. Gender?
  3. what is your favorite color?
  4. what anime do you love and watch?
  5. what does you want your anime name to be?
  6. what is your hair color (after this question the real ones begin)
  7. you see your crush... Eren yeager walking home from school and he walks up to you... what do you do?
  8. what do you do if your senpai kisses you?
  9. what does your name start and end with?
  10. what is your element and Sprit animal?
  11. what did you think about this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my anime name??
