What is your age?

This quiz is going to tell you your age. Always choose wisely because you will have the wrong age if you don't. You will hopefully get the right age. Good luck!

I love to create things and have fun times with me and my computer. I love coding and I love to stay up late. I live with my husband and my pet dog, Dashboard A.K.A. Dash.

Created by: Ziana Hillinpuff
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Why did you take this quiz?
  3. What is/was your favorite subject in school?
  4. What makes you feel sad?
  5. What is your favorite place?
  6. What is your favorite animal?
  7. What is your dream day?
  8. How do you get over sadness?
  9. What is your favorite genre of book?
  10. What makes you feel happy?

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Quiz topic: What is my age?
