What influences your money decisions?

We make financial decisions every day. It doesn't matter how much or how little money you have. Some days it is smaller decisions like what to eat for lunch. Do you buy groceries or do you eat out? And some days, it is bigger decisions like, "Where should I live? Can I afford the rent on a bigger apartment, buy a house, or move in with family?"

Have you thought about why you spend money the way you do? Have you ever bought something and it made you feel good? Have you ever spent money and felt bad about it? Feelings and emotions have a lot to do with financial health. This quiz is aimed at getting you thinking about your spending style and how that makes you feel. There is no right or wrong answer. This is just for you to identify your own style.

Created by: Maria Morrison
  1. My decision about which vehicle to drive comes down to this main issue:
  2. One important priority I have in looking for my next home includes finding:
  3. If I were to be late with a payment that would have serious credit consequences, I would worry most about
  4. When I think about changing jobs, my main concern is
  5. In deciding what to do with a sudden cash windfall, I would
  6. If I "fell in love with" and wanted to buy a really big-ticket item (tv, boat, motorcycle, furniture suite) that was not within my budget
  7. In my ideal financial position, I would have the freedom to
  8. When you want to call somebody long distance, you
  9. If you buy something on impulse, you
  10. Have you ever cut open a used, flattened tube of toothpaste?

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Quiz topic: What influences my money decisions?