The Hotel Personality Quiz

Decisions, decisions - who knew that figuring out what kind of place to stay at could be this difficult? Well, let's be honest: it's not really that difficult, but I need an excuse to make this quiz.

Should you be lolling in the lobby of a luxury 4-star hotel, or cuddling with your loved one over a home-cooked meal at a B&B? Take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Victoria
  1. You've finally arrived at your holiday destination! You just can't wait to:
  2. Your idea of a good time can best be described with the three following words:
  3. Oh, no! Something's happened to change your plans. What do you do?
  4. The person(s) you like to travel with the most is:
  5. And which of the following irritates you the most?
  6. Now pick the saying that suits you best.
  7. Pick the group to which your astrological sign belongs.
  8. And finally - which of the following is closest to your dream destination?
  9. Did you enjoy the quiz?
  10. Click to see your result. And remember: don't hate me for being right.

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