What is a good Football position for you

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Football is one of the most amazing sport in american history. American Football is played all over the world even if it's called something else...But football is football no matter where you go

there are 180 players who are capable to have their names in shiny lights! The Drafts this year will make sure that number stays the same...But how would you know if you could be one of them.

Created by: aidan a
  1. Which player do you envy the most...
  2. How heavy are you?
  3. what do you think your best at in football?
  4. do you play any other sports?
  5. do you know all the advanced routes
  6. are you on a team?
  7. do you ever practice?(at home, or during work)
  8. who won the 31st superbowl?
  9. Do you think you can break someone's rib and walk away without remorse
  10. do you have madden?

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