what inuyasha Chracter are you?

Do you watch a show called Inuyasha? Are You a fan? I know one Thing for sure. I'm a Major Fan! I love It! If You're A fan, you'll totally dig Ranma1/2. And Maybe Masion Ikkou. There all very Good.

Have you ever wondered what Inuyasha Chracter you are? I Have. So I decided to see who I ended up with. Im Shippo! YAYNESS! But Have you Wondered what Chracter you are? The wait is over! Try It out!

Created by: insane Kiwi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What would you use for a weapon?
  2. There is 6 books you checked out from the library, You misplaced 2, and you read 4, Then you Pay the fine, and you then Check out 10 more books. How much books did you read?
  3. What do you where when you go out?
  4. What is you're Fav food?
  5. What is the name of the person who invented the Computer?
  6. There is a Nasty rumor going around bout you, You react...
  7. Do you know this song? We are the pirates who don't do anything!
  8. There is a big Prom you go with....
  9. What is you're Fav Color?
  10. Last Question, Who do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: What inuyasha Chracter am I?