What instrument in band would you play?

There are many different people who do this quiz who already play an instrument and didn't get the instrument they play let me tell you now it might not be completely accurate but it's probably pretty close.

If you don't play an instrument if you ever want to try out for this one first you might actually turn out to like it and actually be good at it. You probably will.

Created by: Batman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What instrument do you like?
  2. What is your favorite music sound?
  3. Your personality type is....
  4. The music you listen to is....
  5. Your favorite movie is....
  6. Your favorite percussion instrument is...
  7. What is your favorite song of these....
  8. Will you rate this quiz?
  9. Will you comment?
  10. Do you want to see your results?

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