Hogwarts Houses are done. This quiz will tell you which house you belong to SPITTLEWICK'S ACADEMY OF WITCHCRAFT, a school of witchcraft, wizardry, and druidry. It's an all-ages academy, the books and equipment are provided for free, and the dorms and bathrooms are all gender neutral. Come sit on the Sorting Redcap and find out which of the six Schools you belong to.

(Spittlewick's is a setting and game by Witch Hat Productions, a TTRPG label by Tata Calthrop and Luke Sophia Watson. The quiz came first; the game was created retroactively.)

Created by: cheetour of SPITTLEWICK'S: A Witchy RPG
(your link here more info)
  1. Let's get this one out of the way with:
  2. What do you value?
  3. Do you believe in the supernatural, or in a higher power?
  4. I worry about...
  5. Do you think more about your inner world, or your outer world?
  6. One of your friends is upset. One of your other friends tried to help her, but they didn't understand the situation, and they didn't help at all! They just stressed her out. What matters more: the intention, or the consequence?
  7. Kyle has never had a nice thought in his life. He's selfish, greedy, hateful, spiteful, and doesn't have a scrap of kindness or goodness in his body. He spends his whole life helping people out, and never tells anyone about how he feels inside. Kyle is...
  8. You're going on an adventure! What are you most excited about?
  9. Would you punch a Nazi if you knew it would make no difference to their views? (They can't hit you back.)
  10. Change comes from...
  11. I want...
  12. Learning new things is good because...
  13. If you could, would you want to know everything?
  14. What's better: having a dream that's very unlikely, but you can make progress towards? Or is it better to have a realistic goal you can achieve?
  15. It turns out that your life was a total failure. Why?
  16. Which of these best describes you?
  17. My life is most determined by...
  18. You've discovered that magic is real! What are you thinking about?
  19. Where would you rather be?
  20. It's finally time for you to learn what your house is! It's your first day at Spittlewick's Academy of Witchcraft. Professor Spittlewick explains the process of the Sorting Ritual: You will enter the Magical Grove of Secrets, and sit under the great Sorting Redcap. The Sorting Redcap is a ten-foot tall mushroom. It cannot speak. You are instructed to sit under the Sorting Redcap and think about what you want, and when you're ready, you can stand up and choose which school you want to be in. (...But somehow, no matter how unsure you are, the Sorting Redcap helps you realise where you belong.)So... which one do you like the sound of? (Your answer will only have a small effect on your result.)

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