What Harry Potter character are you?

This is my first quiz I've ever made. I was looking at the geometry dash demon list when I found, "Take the demon list quiz" and found this site. Thx!

I'm glad you took my quiz! I very much apreciate your contribution. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel ManGotCheese, and my TikTok, Evan92012. Thanks!

Created by: Arthirius
  1. What would you be in a fight scene
  2. What is your hair color
  3. What would your ideal wand wood be?
  4. How smart are you?
  5. Would you be willing to sacrifice yourself for your friends?
  6. What is your favorite character?
  7. (No effect) How is your day going? (Remember I'm always here to help.
  8. Back to quizzing, What was your favorite teacher?
  9. (Also no effect, I just can't think of any more questions) What do you think oo this quiz?
  10. Finally, What do you think of the Harry Potter movies?

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Quiz topic: What Harry Potter character am I?
