What Harry potter character are you?

My quiz 's to see want kind of wizard you will be. Have you wondered what it would be like to be one of these people I know of have. P.S. the film's and books are great so read or watch them :)

What berry potter character would you like to be well in my quiz you can find out who you are most suited to. It may be Luna for being creative or colder mortgage because you have a hint of evil. Well find out in my quiz.

Created by: Lia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite hogwarts house
  2. What is your favourite hobby
  3. What is your personality
  4. Who is your fave hp character
  5. Who is your fave character ever in anything
  6. What is your favourite discarding school
  7. Do you like teachers
  8. If you were a super hero what would your power be
  9. What is your special number
  10. Do you have a family(you can lie)

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Quiz topic: What Harry potter character am I?