What Harry Potter Character Are You???

Take the quiz and I will tell you what character you are. Imma HUGE Harry Potter fan!!!!! dkjlsajfsklfjkdljfdklkdeiieieiieidididjfkdjfidjflkdjfkldjfjdkh

ahdfhdfjioe28987489754987497589475894858478930298490834973894789798efkdpjhih hoiw are yoiu dklfjdklsjfkldsjfkljdsklfjdklfhjkdhfldjflksdjflkdsfjeiojiofujd

Created by: Rose
  1. You see a man getting punched by a police officer for no reason. What do you do?
  2. How would people describe you?
  3. What's your favorite spell?
  4. What's your favorite class?
  5. What's your Patronus?
  6. What's your blood status
  7. R u gonna rate the quiz?
  8. Who do you think you're most like?
  9. Brrrring! The last bell of the day! Now Dinner.
  10. byeeeee

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Quiz topic: What Harry Potter Character am I???
