What Hamsters Species Am I?

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Have you ever wondered what kind of hamster you are most like? All hamster species have different personalities, here you’ll find out which one your most like! I hope you enjoy

You can be a Syrian, Roboroski, Winter White, Russian Campbell, or Chinese! Let’s see who you are!!! Remember, all of these species are very special in their own way.

Created by: Mylie of My YouTube channel!
(your link here more info)
  1. What do you like to do on your free time?
  2. What do other people think of you?
  3. What’s your favorite season?
  4. What kind of cage would you want?
  5. You escaped your cage, what do you do next?
  6. How do you get dressed every morning?
  7. What color would your dream hamster to be?
  8. Would you want another hamster in your cage?
  9. Which of these sounds the most tasty?
  10. You and your friend want to hang out, what do you do?

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