What Goth Stereotype Are You?

Did you know that there are tons of different Goth stereotypes? I'll bet you didn't. No many do. I've only used a few of the different types of Goth, but I used the most popular stereotypes.

Are you the dreamy Romantic Goth? Do you write sad and romantic poetry? Or are you the crazy and fun Cyber Goth? Do you wear crazy, futurist clothing? Or are you a Vampire Goth? Are you obsessed with vampires? Until now, you've only wondered. But now you can find out for certain..hopefully. Remember, I'm no genius. Good luck!

Created by: Snow White Queen
  1. What are you wearing right now? Or what would you like to be wearing right now?
  2. What would you rather read?
  3. Where would you rather go on vacation?
  4. I bet you're listening to music right now. Which is the closest to what you're listening to?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. Which would you rather do?
  7. How do people describe you?
  8. Where do you get your clothes?
  9. Which is more appealing to you?
  10. What kind of weather do you like best?
  11. Which word would you use to describe yourself?
  12. Which Evanescence lyric appeals to you most?
  13. Do you actually like Evanescence? (This has no effect.)
  14. Are you ready for your result?

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Quiz topic: What Goth Stereotype am I?