Tag: Goth
- Ultra Easy Goth Quiz 1
- May 28, '14
- by Parmenion
This is a quiz devised to test an individual's knowledge about Gothic History, Music and Culture. I hope regardless of what you…
- How Goth Are You, Really?
- Jan 15, '07
- by Solita Arcayne
There are quite a few people out there that think themselves to be Goth. They think that just because they wear black lipstick,…
- What's Your Gothic Sub-Stereotype?
- Apr 3, '09
- by E Lunatic
A goth is an individual, often young in age, who is characterized mostly by association with other goths. Stereotypes…
- What kind of goth are you?
- Nov 28, '12
- by Invader
The goth subculture is a vast and interesting one, and it holds many sub-subcultures as well as posers. The line is thin, but…
- South Park: Goth or Vamp Kid?
- Aug 17, '09
- by E Lunatic
There are many vamp kids, but few true goth kids. Gothiness is, after all, quite dark. What is a goth kid? A goth kid is…
- How Goth are you?
- Nov 17, '13
- by Joker1001
This is a quiz for mainly Goths who want to see their results as being perfect. What is a Goth? I'm not going to say, because…
- What Goth Stereotype Are You?
- Dec 17, '11
- by Snow White Queen
Did you know that there are tons of different Goth stereotypes? I'll bet you didn't. No many do. I've only used a few of the…
- How Much Do You Know About the Gothic Subculture?
- May 6, '16
- by SkarlettRose
Most people know about the Gothic subculture; but a select few actually know what it's all about. This is my made-for-fun…
- How (or what type of) Goth are you?
- May 9, '06
- by Brian
The term "Goth" represents, in modern culture, a stereotypical persona in which members have tendencies to be moody loners, and…
- Are You a Babybat?
- Aug 22, '14
- by Kristen
In this world cultures can mean a lot. Goth, is one of them. Today I have made a quiz that will show you your inner gothic…
- Are You An Emo, Goth and Scene?
- Aug 25, '11
- by Chanelle
So many people get confused when it comes to Emo's, Scene's and Goths, when actually they are all completely different to each…
- What is your Gothic Name?
- Nov 2, '15
- by Asphodelle Emmery
There are many stereotypical names that goths use for alter egos, but how do you tell which name suits who? What if you're…
- How Goth Are You?
- Jul 4, '08
- by Savon
Goth is a subculture and music genre that has been plagued with a bad rep perpetrated upon them by the media and general…
- How Deeply Gothic Are You?
- Dec 13, '06
- by Philoni
The common stereotype heaped upon people who wear black is most commonly "Emo." However, there is a different side to that.…
- How Goth Are You?
- Apr 7, '10
- by Zexion
Goth: what some people want, what some people despise. The dark, the light, which one? Goth is an exceptional thing, you get a…
- Are you a Goth?
- Apr 28, '07
- by SiameseKitty
What is a Goth, you ask? Usually, you wear dark colours, very quiet and withdrawn, and things like that. Goths are a sort of…
Even More Goth Quizzes
- Are you Emo or Gothic?
- Aug 18, '07
- by Kathleen
Are you an Emo or a Gothic? What's the difference? Emos are people who don't have any trouble expressing their emotions. …
- Are You a Goth or Hippie?
- Nov 6, '11
- by Wyatt Gogolin
Goths enjoy darkness, and for hippies it's peace. They both began in a hard to live era, and they are both completely different…
- Are you Emo or are you Goth? Is there a difference?
- Sep 19, '10
- by Xx30STMroxX
Many people make stereotypes about Emo and Goths, so I'm here to set the bar straight. Emo is not about cutting yourself, it's…
- Which Goth type are you?
- Jan 3, '15
- by Trey
This quiz is for those who are curious to find out if they are truly Gothic, and if so which type. There are four categories on…
- True Gothic Test
- Jan 29, '08
- by Shinzui!
This Quiz was made from questions from a Real Goth Bible. So if you think you know all about the Gothic ways you should take…
- How Goth are You?
- Jul 5, '14
- by Cher Ellis
Some people are Goth, and some people are not. What is Goth? Being Goth means to have a dark outlook on the world, and…
- How Goth Are You?
- Mar 28, '07
- by Kurlz
Goth is an 80's subculture. Gothic people (or goths) like rock. Many stereotypes exist, but don't believe them. They are just…
- Are you goth, emo, or scene?
- Oct 8, '18
- by Zephyr The Pink Fox
This quiz is to help show you what subculture you are and what personality you truly have. This quiz is to help show you what…
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