What Gosselin kid are you

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This Gosselin quiz will tell you what Gosswlin kid you are most like... Cara (helpful) Mady (Attention seeking) Alexis (crazy) Hannah (helpful) Aaden (professor) Collin ( helpful) Leah (little) Joel(fashionable)

Are you Cara? Are you helpful and sweet? Are you Mady? Are you seeking attention and crazy? Are you Alexis? Reptile loving and wild? Are you Hannah? helpful and sweet? are you Leah? Are you little and cute? Are you Joel? Fashionable and loving?

Created by: caragosselin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you crazy?
  2. Are you usually happy?
  3. who do you look up to more?
  4. Do you like to be the center of attention?
  5. Are you helpful?
  6. Do you like little kids?
  7. Do you like sports?
  8. would you rather be short or tall?
  9. do you like fashion?
  10. How would people describe you?

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Quiz topic: What Gosselin kid am I