What gets you into little space?

Need help getting into little space. This quiz will help you find out what activity might be best for you and will get you into little space! The answers I put may not work for but that's ok, just try something else!

This quiz is just something I did for fun. I'm sorry if I offend anybody in anyway. I don't mean to. You do not have to take this quiz if you want to. This quiz is mainly for littles but anybody can take it.

Created by: Daija
  1. Your favorite color?
  2. Choose a item to use in little space.
  3. Favorite animal out of these
  4. What do/ would you wear in little space?
  5. Favorite thing to be called in little space?
  6. You meet another little for a playdate! How do you greet them?
  7. Pick a food/drink!
  8. How would your family/friends describe you?
  9. You see a cute toy or little item and you really want it. Your caregiver says no how do you react?
  10. Your little age?

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