What are your chances of surviving a Zombie Outbreak?

This is just to take up space This is just to take up space This is just to take up space This is just to take up space This is just to take up space This is just to take up space This is just to take up space This is just to take up space This is just to take up space

This is just to take up more space This is just to take up more space This is just to take up more space This is just to take up more space This is just to take up more space This is just to take up more space This is just to take up more space This is just to take up more space This is just to take up more space

Created by: RJ Anderson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Lets say that you knew about the outbreak before any zombies reach your house, what would you do to prepare? (You're trying to do this as fast as you can, and leaving the house is risky)
  2. The opposite of the 1st question. You DONT know about the outbreak and zombies are a good 5 minutes away from your house, what do you do?
  3. Are you athletic?
  4. Do you panic easily?
  5. Are you expierienced with guns?
  6. What kind of melee weapons do you have lying around?
  7. Would you ever use people as a shield? Even your friends?
  8. Do you have lots of non perishable food as well as a source of water/drinks? (Drinking tap water could be dangerous, what if something got into it?)
  9. What kind of place to you live? (large or small city, etc.)
  10. Lets say you are caught in the outside during the outbreak. Where would you most likely go?
  11. If something pops out of nowhere, what would your reaction be?
  12. If your with a friend, then all of a sudden, that friend is attacked by a zombie. What would you do?
  13. Just for fun: If zombies were ever to attack, what do you think they would be like? (Doesnt effect score)

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Quiz topic: What am Ir chances of surviving a Zombie Outbreak? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Zombie Survival Quiz category.