What gametype are you?

In this quiz I will try to guess what gametype you are.

It's not sure that I will have right but it's fun. If I had right, then tell me in the comments and pls, rate this quiz.

Created by: Lexicoo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you social?
  2. Do you dream about games?
  3. What type of games do you dream about?
  4. Do you play games?
  5. Do you prefer reality games or digital games.
  6. What do you do late at night?
  7. Do you eat junk food when you play games on your computer?
  8. How long time do you play reality games a day.
  9. How long time do you play digital games a day.
  10. I've always said reality games to board and card games but digital games is still in the reality.

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Quiz topic: What gametype am I?