What fruit are you

Hello! Have you ever wondered what amazing fruit you could be? Well if you have (and if you haven’t) you should take our quiz! Our quiz has a viriety of amazing questions!

I hope you have lots of fun on our quiz today and forever! Now u might think it’s stupid or funny or just a waist or ur time but rest assured it is not. This is the best fruit quiz u will ever take!

Created by: Ace of Luna
  1. How would people describe you?
  2. You are eating but you forgot your jelly what do u do? (U love jelly)
  3. Do you like fruit?
  4. Wat fruit do you want to be?
  5. Did you like this quiz?
  6. Lol we need more questions?
  7. Are you kind?
  8. Are you salty
  9. Meow mow mew meow (that’s cat for how much fruit do you eat?)
  10. Did u like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What fruit am I

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