Are You A Shy Person?

So do you think that you are a shy person or a brave person or in the middle? You are amazing anyways but haven't your sweaty palms wondered how shy am I?

So do you think that you are a shy person or a brave person or in the middle? You are amazing anyways but haven't your red face wondered how shy am I really

Created by: Sweetheart
  1. How often do your palms start to sweat or you face turns red?
  2. Your doing a presentation in a group of Three you...
  3. How many friends do you have
  4. Your teacher calls on you you...
  5. Are you quite
  6. Do you like meeting new people
  7. Are you the type to hid in a corner or to be bouncing of the walls
  8. Can you go ask your neighbour for some milk
  9. Do you think your shy
  10. Bye ( no effect )

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Quiz topic: Am I A Shy Person?