what football player on the Steelers are you quiz?

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find out what steelers player you are and take this fun quiz to do so! it asks you 10 appropriate questions and then you get to find out what player you are!

This website is the best to use to take quizzes and to make them! I highly suggest that you use it because it's lots of fun and so simple. Good luck! and gooo Steelers!!!

Created by: brian.
  1. do you prefer the run or pass game?
  2. do you like the north or south division
  3. What's your favorite celebration?
  4. What's your favorite position?
  5. Whos your favorite team in the steelers division?
  6. What's your favorite sport (besides football)
  7. if you played football (or if you do) what position team would you be on?
  8. what do you think the steelers chance of the super bowl is?
  9. if the steelers weren't a team who would you cheer for?
  10. whos your favorite out of these players?

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Quiz topic: What football player on the Steelers am I quiz?
