WHat food are you?

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I am Ivy. In this quiz you are going to see which food is right for you and/or represents you. I am only 11 and have like $86.72 so please don't sue me if it is inaccurate. Plus you wouldn't be getting much.

Credits to Opal my sister who gave me the idea for this quiz. There are a few different food ideas you could get. I hope you enjoy! :) Check out some of my other quizzes too.

Created by: ivypants
  1. WHat is your favorite color?
  2. Which of these represnts your attitude?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. On a scale from 1 - 10 how delicious are you?
  5. Which sauce would you most likley be dipped in?
  6. Which of the following restaurants is your favorite?
  7. Which type of food do you like?
  8. What is your favorite meal?
  9. Which is your least favorite foods out of these?
  10. There is a lonely kid sitting by themselves at lunch. What do you do??

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Quiz topic: WHat food am I?
